4.6 documentation efforts

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Sun Apr 6 19:54:03 CEST 2008

Hi All,
I'm writing because I noticed no mention of Xfce documentation on the
roadmap, and wanted to get your thoughts.  From what I understand,
developers have been resistant to having a single documentation repository.
I do not know all of the reasons for this, but thought now might be a good
idea to bring up the topic.

As a person who'd like to contribute to documentation, I find the many
documentation repositories a big barrier to entry.  I posted to the mailing
list about a month ago about wanting to contribute to documentation efforts,
but got no response (it's ok . . . I'm sure you get a lot of people who say
they'd like to help).

However, I'd be willing to put together a roadmap to collect the current
documentation, organize it, and identify areas for improvement, and then
work to fill those gaps.  As things stand now, though, it's difficult to
know where to proceed.

So you know, I come from the Xubuntu team, and was the primary contributor
throughout the Hardy release cycle [1].  I have good docbook, organization,
and writing skills, and would like to contribute to upstream efforts.

Again, I understand that developers have been resistant to changing their
approach to documentation.  I have a day job, and I don't want to have to
worry about too much stuff, either.  I am willing to contribute to something
like this, though.  Please let me know your thoughts.  Thanks,


[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-doc/ubuntu-doc/xubuntu-hardy
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