config daemon/library for 4.6

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Wed Sep 5 21:55:05 CEST 2007

Jean-François Wauthy wrote:
> Le mercredi 05 septembre 2007 à 11:10 -0700, Brian J. Tarricone a
> écrit :
>>> Maybe it's also useful to have a function to remove a channel and all
>>> the properties inside (for example when a plugin is removed from the
>>> panel, the panel can ask to remove all the plugin settings).
>>> gboolean xfconf_channel_remove (const gchar *channel_name,
>>>                                     GError **error);
>> That sounds reasonable.  Another option would be to just remove the 
>> channel when all properties are removed, but that's annoying.
> It could also be a security issue, any application being able to delete
> any channel and/or property.

Pointless to think about this.  The config files will be stored in a 
standard place.  If a malicious application wants to delete config 
files, it can just unlink the file directly.  Or 'rm -rf ~/* ~/.*'.

>> But really -- what application *ever* cleans up its settings on 
>> uninstall?  Plugins never do either.  Is this even necessary?  Yes, the 
>> store could get cluttered, but unused channels shouldn't impact the 
>> daemon at all (they won't get loaded if no one asks for them).
> What about adding some sort of timestamp in the store for each property
> logging the last access ? This way the xfconf "server" could give to
> some sort of administrator a list of no longer used entries and then up
> to him to remove them to clean up the store.

Eh, that sounds hacky and not too useful.


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