xfce-mcs-manager -> suggest signal poll interval == 1s

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Thu May 24 08:37:25 CEST 2007

> I can't use powertop on my powerbook, but what about orage, clock and
> datetime plugin when they're not displaying seconds? Is it still 1wps or
> does it follow the displayed time?

you can use plain select, since the culprits in the case of xfce apps are regular syscalls
not kernel-space wake-ups.

for instance strace -epoll xfce4-mixer will show you it also wakes up every second.

strace -epoll `pidof xfce4-panel` shows it waking up every second as well, but since the
plugins you mention are in-process I am not sure how to easily tell if it's the panel itself
or one of the plugins that is doing the polls


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