[proposal] Modify the panel-plugin interface, add 'powersave-mode'.

Jean-François Wauthy pollux at xfce.org
Sat Jul 14 10:04:24 CEST 2007

Le vendredi 13 juillet 2007 à 09:47 -0700, Brian J. Tarricone a écrit :

> > What do you think about this idea? (Disclaimer: I did not have my
> > morning-coffee yet)
> No, that's the wrong place for this.  After we have a proper power 
> management daemon (or even before, if people run g-p-m or something), 
> plugins that think the machine's battery might benefit from doing less 
> stuff during power saving mode can listen to the daemon via D-Bus to 
> know when the system is in a power saving state or not.  This seems way 
> too domain-specific for the panel itself.

I agree. It is not the job of the panel to monitor the power mode of the

Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at xfce.org>
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