Fbdo - announcing a new tool

Steve Cooper steve at wijjo.com
Mon Jul 2 03:37:14 CEST 2007

Oops!  I guess links could help. :)  Sorry for the extra noise.


README: http://wijjo.com/projects/fbdo/readme.html
Installation guide: http://wijjo.com/projects/fbdo/install.html
Tutorial: http://wijjo.com/projects/fbdo/tutorial.html
Downloads: http://wijjo.com/download

On 7/1/07, Steve Cooper <steve at wijjo.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm not sure what is the right way to announce this.  Pointers are welcome.
> I've created a new tool called "Fbdo", originally targeted at fluxbox, that can also be useful to Xfce users.  I'm currently running mostly Xfce myself and feel that it adds to the pleasure of using the environment.  It's a first release.  I'm calling it alpha quality until more get to test it in different environments.  The features it currently  adds are per-workspace and randomized wallpaper, window tiling, window alignment to corners, center and edges, smart application launching with limiting to one instance and assigning to a workspace, and more.  It has automatic (command line) setup specifically for Xfce.  It has a plugin Python framework for easy expansion.  I'd love for people in the Xfce community to check it out and particularly for developers to create new extensions.
> Please let me know what you think (positive or negative).  If you find it useful can someone suggest how to get it listed in Xfce-related download sites?  I'm new to the Xfce world myself, having just started through Xubuntu/Feisty.
> Thanks!
> Steve
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Steve Cooper
> Vancouver, WA

Steve Cooper
Vancouver, WA

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