Memory leak (maybe) ?

Colin Leroy colin at
Fri Feb 23 08:48:52 CET 2007


I now have two computers running Xfce 4.4. One has gtk+-2.8 and
glib-2.12 and has no problem; the other has gtk+-2.10 and glib-2.12,
and on this one, the memory usage of xfdesktop and xfce4-menu-plugin
grows quite steadily - 180M RES for xfdesktop yesterday evening after
approx one week uptime; I restarted it and it went back to 3.9M RES, and
this morning it's at 18M already.

So clearly, there's a memory leak somewhere. Could it be in Xfce
itself, or is it rather this dear (which plagues Claws
Mail too) ?

(it only appears with gtk+-2.10)...

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