
Nick Schermer nickschermer at
Mon Dec 17 23:29:49 CET 2007

2007/12/17, Benedikt Meurer <benedikt.meurer at>:
> Yap. No need to have them in the library.

Okidokie, will provide a patch when I start porting apps.

> > Also added a XfceFrame, because it's more flexible then the old
> > solution and the amout of code is minimal.
> This is probably not a good idea since IIRC several themes seem to match
> GtkFrame exactly and as such won't work properly for XfceFrame then. I'd
> suggest to simply use GtkFrame directly in the applications w/o any
> wrappers at all.

Does that also mean for widgets that have a GtkFrame as parent?


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