firefox is moving to an other workspace

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Fri Apr 13 21:57:56 CEST 2007


Oliver Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> First:
> I'm not sure if this happens because I upgraded from xfce 4.4.0 to 4.4.1
> or, because I upgraded firefox to its latest version some time ago.
> I've 6 workspaces and my firefox is always in workspace 5 and I got quite
> used to this.
> Until now I could click on Links and firefox opened the links without
> moving to an other workspace.
> Now firefox moves automatically to the workspace where I clicked the link
> and opens the link there.
> Any ideas if this could have been triggered by using 4.4.1 and if so, how
> I can disable that? I want that firefox keeps staying at workspace 5,
> doesn't matter which workspace I try to open links from.

Yes, this issue is being disussed in bug #2961 [1]. From the release
notes for xfce 4.4.1:

# Add new hidden option to instruct xfwm4 not to bring window back on
current workspace when activated (Bug #2961).


The hidden option is documented in the xfwm4 documentation:

Hidden options

Some hidden options allow you to customize xfwm4 behaviour. They have to
be added by hand to your HOME/.config/xfce4/xfwm4/xfwm4rc file. You may
have to create this file.


    How the window manager must react when a window raises itself. When
set to "bring", the window manager to bring the window on the current
workspace, "switch" will switch to the window's workspace, and "none"
will simply do nothing but set the "demand attention" flag on the window.


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