weird label prefixes in xfce-settings-show

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at
Mon May 22 07:08:57 CEST 2006


with some locales (Spanish, French) some of the labels in the big 
settings dialog contain a prefix like Bouton Etiquette | (only the sound 
label in French) or Etiqueta de Boton (most labels which come from the 
mcs-plugins package + sound).
Does anyone else see this?
I get this with current SVN by doing

$killall xfce-mcs-manager
$LANGUAGE=es_ES.UTF8 xfce-mcs-manager

other locales may show similar problems, German seems ok although may be 
because the labels which are broken in Spanish are in English here as if 
they were not translated.


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