shortcut manager

Aaron aaronf0 at
Thu Mar 16 20:48:50 CET 2006

sorry, i forgot one, the space key defaults to canceling the dialog,
so it doesnt play happy with it.

is there any way the window could take ALL keypresses?

On 3/16/06, Aaron <aaronf0 at> wrote:
> well, i think i found some bugs in keys that the shortcut manager can
> use, can anyone confirm these?
> ctrl+shift+less    -> ctrl+shift+greater works fine though
> multimedia keys   -> they never worked, and still arent, even though
> some people suggested stuff
> windows key     -> it just assumes its a one press key, not a modifier
> (maybe a X fix for this?)
> --
> If it moves, COMPILE IT!!! Yay Gentoo!!!

If it moves, COMPILE IT!!! Yay Gentoo!!!

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