XFCE - look-and-feel configuration.

Aaron aaronf0 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 14 21:26:24 CET 2006

ok, as a user, and also a programmer, heres the groups i would put them in

-desktop, UI (rename to themes?) WM, and WM tweaks, screensaver, splash screen
   all of these are graphical in nature, not backend stuff. when the
user changes this they see it.

-mouse display keyboard, printer
   mouse might go under ui, just because of the themes...

-calendar, preffered apps, shortcuts, workspaces, and sessions
   stuff the user wont really see, more behind the scenes magik

Personnaly, while this would be very not-cool from a programmers
sense, i would group all the themes into one module, so from one area
you can change mouse, windeco, and gtk themes. i see that being hell
for the programmers, but much easier to find things as the user, also
fixes the why isnt {blank} changing when i use {blank} theme. if they
can see all the lists infront of them, it would be easier.

I would also make icon themes its own box, and put the fonts stuff in
a new box, maybe grouped with display? i would also set the window
manager font from the central font box next to the ui font.

in the window manager box, i would make the button layout thing
displayed on top of a mock-up of the current theme, with three main
areas, left, right, and title, bassicly showing the user what it looks
like (this one is quite eccentric, but something like kde 3.3's WM
dialog. i would also rename the keyboard tab to something like
shortcuts, and find a way to differentiate it from the real shortcut
manager, as in this one is just for moving windows, not launching
apps. i would also rename the advanced tab in the WM box to something
like snapping or moving, and then take the stuff from the WM tweak box
and make that the advanced tab.

in the window manager tweak box, i would make the composite tab its
own button, labeled transparency (i know not technical, but everyone
seems to get the point...)

also on the mouse/keyboard boxes, i would make them box called
hardware, with diffrent tabs for mouse and keyboard. maybe even put
the printer and display plugins in there?

good luck on understanding and interpretting that, i know i wasnt too
clear on all the parts, feel free to ask for clarification.

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