xfrun and dbus

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 21:46:02 CET 2006


here's a cleaner xfrun dbus service + client patch.

When built without dbus it behaves exactly as now.
When dbus is enabled it does the following
-  If run with no arguments it tries connecting to a RunDialog service
and if not found falls back to current behaviour.
-  If run with --daemon as argument tries to register itself and provide
a service or exit on failure.
-  If there's an argument which is not --daemon it behaves like now.

This way whoever wants to get faster dialog will launch xfrun --daemon 
in xinitrc for example, others are not affected.

I have tested it in xnest with two screens and it correctly launches the 
dialog on the appropriate screen, although there may be a cleaner or 
more correct way of getting the GdkScreen from a :display.screen string

The verve plugin could take advantage of this too by providing a service 
and simply aquiring focus when it is contacted.

please consider applying this

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