4.4 default look - Take 4

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Fri Mar 3 19:47:32 CET 2006

Olivier Fourdan wrote:
> Same player, try again. Take 3.

Err, I'm not very happy with the yellow + green look. Doesn't look great 
on some monitors IMHO.

The yellow looks great on buttons, so let's keep that.

However, plain yellow doesn't fit for menu items and text selections. So 
a light blue/green may fit better while keeping the "happy" style.

The green backdrop looks terrific after a while. Let's make a U turn and 
try a very clean look with a plain grayish color that reminds the color 
of the window active title bar. Plain color, no image at all. I think it 
looks a lot more "professional" :).

How does look? Wanna try for yourself?


PS: Don't look at the fonts, the panel, the icons, it's not the point. 
The point is just the colors and the style. The rest is my setup and 
doesn't count.


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