pyxfce and textdomain

Adriano Winter Bess awbess at
Sun Jul 16 17:14:12 CEST 2006


I'm writing a new plugin for the Xfce 4 Panel and this time I wanted to give
pyxfce a try. I'm having problems with the textdomain function in xfce4.util. If
I do this:

	xfce4.util.textdomain (NAME, LOCALEDIR, "UTF-8")

the strings in the plugin are not translated at all. But if I just replace the
above line for:

	gettext.bindtextdomain (NAME, LOCALEDIR)
	gettext.textdomain (NAME)

everything works fine. Does anyone else using pyxfce also have this problem?

Adriano Winter Bess
ICQ: 21569917
IRC: nyquide

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