Titlebar of some window sometimes becomes hidden after session restarts.

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Mon Feb 20 21:40:11 CET 2006

Joao Pedrosa wrote:
> Here are the results:
> ======================================
> dewd at marieta:~$ xfwm4 --version
>         This is xfwm4 version 4.3.0 (revision ) for Xfce 4.3.0
>         Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
>         Compiled against GTK+-2.8.6, using GTK+-2.8.6.
> dewd at marieta:~$ xprop  -root | grep WORKAREA | grep -v NET_SUPPORTED
> _NET_WORKAREA(CARDINAL) = 0, 26, 1280, 774
> dewd at marieta:~$ xprop  -root | grep STRUT | grep -v NET_SUPPORTED
> _NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL(CARDINAL) = 0, 0, 26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1280, 0, 0
> dewd at marieta:~$ ./test_display
> Current display has 2 screen(s) :
>   - The screen #0 has 1 monitor(s) attached:
>     * Screen #0, monitor #0, position (0, 0), size (1280, 800)
>   - The screen #1 has 1 monitor(s) attached:
>     * Screen #1, monitor #0, position (0, 0), size (1280, 800)
> ======================================
> The weird thing is that both monitors should report 1024x768 which
> is the resolution that I use. I am attaching the xorg.conf that I'm
> using in case it's misconfigured or maybe I should test something
> in it. Any idea?

Well, that's definitely odd. For any gtk app out there, you have 2 
monitors connected w/out xinerama, each of these being configured in 
1280x800 - That's really odd, even if it might not be the cause of the 

Can you redo the tests 2 and 3 on both monitors?

Also, the only thing that could explain that behavior is if scite is 
restarted *before* the WM by the session manager, ie scite sets a 
priority higher that the WM for the session scheduling, which should 
theoretically not happen. Can you confirm this, do you see scite 
starting before the window manager?


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