xfrun4 + dbus

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Thu Feb 2 17:47:50 CET 2006

Benedikt Meurer wrote:
>>>Interface: org.xfce.RunDialog
>>>This would be implemented by the file managers (or whatever other
>>>application) and xfrun4 would just invoke OpenDialog(), falling back to
>>>a simple(!) run dialog if no service is registered. This way the "Run
>>>Application" dialog will appear instantly in the future (I doubt that
>>>time permits us to implement this properly in Thunar/Xffm, but
>>>nevertheless we can change xfrun4, so all we need to do afterwards is to
>>>change Thunar/Xffm, and people won't have to wait for Xfce 4.6).
>>>  /* Requests to display the run dialog using the specified
>>>   * working_directory as base directory for applications run
>>>   * from the dialog.
>>>   */
>>>  VOID OpenDialog (STRING working_directory)
>>>  VOID OpenDialogOnDisplay (STRING working_directory, STRING display)
>>Attached is a patch to xfrun4 which first checks if this service is
>>provided on the session D-BUS and if so calls OpenDialog("") on it.
>>Otherwise it falls back to current behavior.
>>The attached python script when launched provides this interface, to
>>test the latency of such a remote launch would be. The dialog is just
>>two ugly buttons but that's not important.
> Looks good at first sight. I'd add service activation too. And I think
> I'd be better to rewrite xfrun4 from scratch with only a very simple
> fallback (without any goodies, just make sure it's fast).

Oh, and please use OpenDialogOnDisplay() for xfrun4, else the dialog
will always popup on the primary screen of the file manager, which is
pretty annoying for people with multi-screen setups.


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