[warning: probably ot] 'Virtual' xinerama support in Xfwm4?

Harold Aling h.aling at home.nl
Thu Dec 21 12:33:49 CET 2006

Dear developers of everyone's favorite DE,

Is it already possible to -or- how do you think about a virtual, 
xinerama-alike display mode? For example: divide the total available 
X-axis space into 2(+) virtual monitors/areas so you can maximize 
windows on that 'display', etc... So basically just 'fool' Xfwm4 into 
thinking that you have 2 monitors...

I read something about virtual Xinerama in a display driver[1] but since 
I am bound to the NVidia binary driver, that would probably never happen...

I ask this because I am thinking of buying either 2 17" TFT's or one 
large, wide screen TFT.



PS: If you think this is more a Xorg-related question, please let me 
know and I'll bother them instead!

[1] http://intr.overt.org/blog/?p=40

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