Xfce 4.4 and trigger-launcher plugin

juha kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi
Sat Apr 29 12:48:58 CEST 2006

Adriano Winter Bess wrote:

>Sorry if this has already been discussed, I may have missed it. I'd like to know
>if xfce4-trigger-launcher plugin will be released together with Xfce 4.4.  In
>current trunk, xfce4-panel can't even load the plugin (I get an error dialog). I
>already have a patch to fix it, but either way trigger-launcher doesn't seem
>functional at all (no properties dialog, etc.), so the patch doesn't help that
Is somebody working with this?
I need it badly, too and can do the porting if nobody else has time?
(It is very handy in switching between vpn and normal network)
I see that Benny and Danny are the authotrs and apparently maintainers?
Please, let me know if I should fix it?
Do you care if it is external or internal?

best regards,

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