Xarchiver 0.3.2: would someone mind ?

SZERVÁC Attila sas at 321.hu
Thu Apr 27 09:37:15 CEST 2006

 Please, don't forget my Hungarian translation, which I've sended on
060119 to you (again in the attachment)

 THX: sas :-)

On Thu, 27 Apr 2006, Colossus wrote:

> since the development times of release 0.4 are getting longer and
> longer, I would like to release a 0.3.2
-------------- next part --------------
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-01-19 11:32+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: SZERV??C Attila <sas at 321.hu>\n"
"Language-Team: hu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: src/main.c:61
msgid "Ready."
msgstr "K??sz."

#: src/main.c:184
#, c-format
msgid ""
"xarchiver: invalid option %s\n"
"Try xarchiver -h for more information.\n"
msgstr ""
"xarchiver: ismeretlen lehet??s??g %s\n"
"L. az xarchiver -h parancsot t??bb inform??ci????rt.\n"

#: src/interface.c:49
msgid "_Archive"
msgstr "_Arch??vum"

#: src/interface.c:79
msgid "_Action"
msgstr "_Akci??"

#: src/interface.c:88
#: src/interface.c:195
msgid "Add File"
msgstr "F??jl hozz??ad??sa"

#: src/interface.c:92
#: src/interface.c:204
msgid "Add Folder"
msgstr "Mappa hozz??ad??sa"

#: src/interface.c:101
#: src/interface.c:218
msgid "Extract"
msgstr "Kibont"

#: src/interface.c:111
#: src/interface.c:237
msgid "View"
msgstr "N??zet"

#: src/interface.c:136
msgid "Set Password"
msgstr "Jelsz??"

#: src/interface.c:141
msgid "View S_hell Output"
msgstr "_H??jkimenet  megtekint??se"

#: src/interface.c:158
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_N??vjegy"

#: src/interface.c:172
msgid "New"
msgstr "??j"

#: src/interface.c:177
#: src/callbacks.c:695
msgid "Create a new archive"
msgstr "??j arch??vum l??trehoz??sa"

#: src/interface.c:181
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Megnyit??s"

#: src/interface.c:186
#: src/callbacks.c:701
msgid "Open an archive"
msgstr "Arch??vum megnyit??sa"

#: src/interface.c:200
msgid "Add a file to the current archive"
msgstr "F??jl hozz??ad??sA a jelenlegI arch??vumhoz"

#: src/interface.c:209
msgid "Add an entire folder to the current archive"
msgstr "Teljes k??nyvt??r hozz??ad??sa a jelenlegi arch??vumhoz"

#: src/interface.c:223
msgid "Extract files from the current archive; use the mouse to select files individually"
msgstr "F??jlok kibont??sa a jelenlegi arch??vumb??l; haszn??ld az egeret a f??jlok egy??ni kijel??l??s??hez"

#: src/interface.c:227
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "T??rl??s"

#: src/interface.c:233
msgid "Delete files from the current archive"
msgstr "F??jlok t??rl??se a jelenlegi arch??vumb??l"

#: src/interface.c:243
msgid "View file content in the current archive"
msgstr "F??jltartalom megtekint??se a jelenlegi arch??vumban"

#: src/interface.c:301
msgid "This archive contains password protected files"
msgstr "Ez az arch??vum jelsz??val v??dett f??jlokat tartalmaz"

#: src/interface.c:419
msgid "Extract ONLY selected files"
msgstr "CSAK a kijel??lt f??jlok kibont??sa"

#: src/interface.c:420
msgid "Extract ALL files"
msgstr "MINDEN f??jl kibont??sa"

#: src/interface.c:446
msgid "Choose a folder where to extract files"
msgstr "V??lassz kibont??si mapp??t"

#: src/interface.c:461
msgid "Extract to:"
msgstr "Kibont??s ide:"

#: src/interface.c:531
msgid "Enter Archive Password"
msgstr "Arch??vumjelsz?? megad??sa"

#: src/interface.c:551
msgid "Password:"
msgstr "Jelsz??:"

#: src/interface.c:566
msgid "Retype it:"
msgstr "Ism??t:"

#: src/interface.c:571
msgid "Please note that the password is automatically resetted each time you open or create a new archive."
msgstr ""

#: src/interface.c:615
msgid "View File Window"
msgstr "F??jlablak megtekint??se"

#: src/callbacks.c:59
#: src/rpm.c:113
#: src/rpm.c:136
msgid "Operation failed."
msgstr "A m??velet sikertelen."

#: src/callbacks.c:67
msgid ""
"An error occurred while accessing the archive.\n"
"Do you want to view the shell output ?"
msgstr ""
"Hiba t??rt??nt a hozz??f??r??skor.\n"
" K??v??nod megn??zni a h??jkimenetet?"

#: src/callbacks.c:82
msgid "Please wait, the content of the archive is being updated..."
msgstr "K??rlek, v??rj, az arch??vum tartalma friss??l..."

#: src/callbacks.c:127
#: src/callbacks.c:154
msgid "Operation successfully completed."
msgstr "A m??velet siker??lt."

#: src/callbacks.c:168
msgid "This archive already exists. Do you want to overwrite it ?"
msgstr "Ez az arch??vum m??r l??tezik. Fel??l??rod ?"

#: src/callbacks.c:206
msgid "Choose Action->Set Password to create a password protected archive."
msgstr "V??laszd az Akci?? men?? Jelsz??be??ll??t??s pontj??t jelsz??v??dett arch??vum l??trehoz??s??hoz."

#: src/callbacks.c:211
msgid "Choose Add Files or Add Folder to create the archive."
msgstr "V??laszd az F??jl hozz??ad??s??t vagy Mappa hozz??ad??s??t az arch??vum l??trehoz??s??hoz."

#: src/callbacks.c:250
msgid "Please wait while the content of the archive is being read..."
msgstr "K??rlek, v??rj, az arch??vumtartalom beolvas??s??ig..."

#: src/callbacks.c:343
msgid "Deleting files from the archive, please wait..."
msgstr "F??jlok t??rl??se az arch??vumb??l, k??rlek, v??rj..."

#: src/callbacks.c:418
msgid "Adding files to the archive, please wait..."
msgstr "F??jlok hozz??ad??sa az arch??vumhoz, k??rlek, v??rj..."

#: src/callbacks.c:452
msgid "Extracting files to "
msgstr "F??jlok kicsomagol??sa ide: "

#: src/callbacks.c:653
msgid "Select the files to be added to the current archive; use SHIFT to multiple select"
msgstr "V??laszd ki az arch??vumhoz adand?? f??jlokat"

#: src/callbacks.c:659
msgid "Select the folder to be added to the current archive"
msgstr "V??laszd ki az arch??vumhoz adand?? mapp??t"

#: src/callbacks.c:660
msgid "Select the folders to be added to the current archive; use SHIFT to multiple select"
msgstr "V??laszd ki az arch??vumhoz adand?? mapp??kat"

#: src/callbacks.c:708
msgid "Choose the destination folder where to extract the current archive"
msgstr "V??laszd ki a jelenlegi arch??vum kibont??si c??lk??nyvt??r??t"

#: src/callbacks.c:735
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Minden f??jl"

#: src/callbacks.c:740
msgid "Only archives"
msgstr "Csak az arch??vumok"

#: src/callbacks.c:769
msgid "Archive type:"
msgstr "Arch??vum t??pus:"

#: src/callbacks.c:772
msgid "Choose the archive type to create"
msgstr "V??laszd ki a l??trehozand?? arch??vumt??pust"

#: src/callbacks.c:781
msgid "Add the archive extension to the filename"
msgstr "Arch??vumv??gz??d??s hozz??ad??sa a f??jln??vhez"

#: src/callbacks.c:845
#: src/rpm.c:44
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Can't open archive %s:\n"
msgstr ""
"Nem tudom megnyitni ezt az arch??vumot: %s:\n"

#: src/callbacks.c:877
msgid "The format of this archive is not recognized !"
msgstr "Az arch??vumform??tum feldolgoz??sa sikertelen !"

#: src/callbacks.c:1091
msgid "Shell output"
msgstr "H??jkimenet"

#: src/callbacks.c:1156
msgid ""
"An error occurred while extracting the file to be viewed.\n"
"Do you want to view the shell output ?"
msgstr ""
"Hiba t??rt??nt a megtekintend?? f??jl kibont??sakor.\n"
"K??v??nod megtekinteni a h??jkimenetet ?"

#: src/callbacks.c:1180
msgid "Please select a file, not a directory !"
msgstr "K??rlek, f??jlt v??lassz, ne mapp??t !"

#: src/callbacks.c:1227
msgid "Please type a password !"
msgstr "Add meg a jelsz??t !"

#: src/callbacks.c:1232
msgid "The passwords don't match !!"
msgstr "A jelszavak nem egyform??k !!"

#: src/zip.c:30
#: src/tar.c:31
#: src/7zip.c:32
#: src/rpm.c:50
#: src/bzip2.c:37
#: src/gzip.c:36
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "F??jln??v"

#: src/zip.c:30
#: src/7zip.c:32
msgid "Original"
msgstr "Eredeti"

#: src/zip.c:30
msgid "Method"
msgstr "M??dszer"

#: src/zip.c:30
#: src/7zip.c:32
msgid "Compressed"
msgstr "T??m??r??tett"

#: src/zip.c:30
msgid "Ratio"
msgstr "Ar??ny"

#: src/zip.c:30
#: src/tar.c:31
#: src/7zip.c:32
#: src/bzip2.c:37
#: src/gzip.c:36
msgid "Date"
msgstr "D??tum"

#: src/zip.c:30
#: src/tar.c:31
#: src/7zip.c:32
#: src/bzip2.c:37
#: src/gzip.c:36
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Id??"

#: src/zip.c:30
msgid "CRC-32"
msgstr "CRC-32"

#: src/tar.c:31
#: src/bzip2.c:37
#: src/gzip.c:36
msgid "Permissions"
msgstr "Jogok"

#: src/tar.c:31
#: src/bzip2.c:37
#: src/gzip.c:36
msgid "Owner/Group"
msgstr "Tulajdonos/Csoport"

#: src/tar.c:31
#: src/rpm.c:50
#: src/bzip2.c:37
#: src/gzip.c:36
msgid "Size"
msgstr "M??ret"

#: src/7zip.c:32
msgid "Attr"
msgstr "Attr"

#: src/rpm.c:50
msgid "Permission"
msgstr "Enged??ly"

#: src/rpm.c:50
msgid "Links"
msgstr "L??ncok"

#: src/rpm.c:50
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Tulajdonos"

#: src/rpm.c:50
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Csoport"

#: src/rpm.c:117
msgid ""
"An error occurred while extracting the cpio archive\n"
"from the rpm one. Do you want to view the shell output ?"
msgstr ""
"Hiba t??rt??nt a cpio arch??vum kiszed??sekor\n"
" az rpmb??l.K??v??nod megtekinteni a h??jkimenetet?"

#: src/rpm.c:140
msgid ""
"An error occurred while decompressing the cpio archive.\n"
"Do you want to view the shell output ?"
msgstr ""
"Hiba t??rt??nt a cpio arch??vum kibont??sakor.\n"
"K??v??nod megtekinteni a h??jkimenetet?"

#: src/bzip2.c:48
msgid ""
"You selected a bzip2 compressed file.\n"
"Do you want to extract it now ?"
msgstr ""
"bzip2-vel t??m??r??tett f??jl v??lasztott??l.\n"
"Kibontod ?"

#: src/bzip2.c:97
msgid "Please select where to extract files !"
msgstr "V??laszd ki a kibont??s hely??t !"

#: src/bzip2.c:215
#: src/bzip2.c:245
msgid ""
"An error occurred while decompressing the archive.\n"
"Do you want to view the shell output ?"
msgstr ""
"Hiba t??rt??nt az arch??vum kibont??sakor.\n"
"K??v??nod megtekinteni a h??jkimenetet?"

#: src/bzip2.c:274
msgid ""
"An error occurred while deleting from the tar archive.\n"
"Do you want to view the shell output ?"
msgstr ""
"Hiba t??rt??nt a tar arch??vumb??l t??rt??n?? t??rl??skor.\n"
"K??v??nod megtekinteni a h??jkimenetet?"

#: src/gzip.c:47
msgid ""
"You selected a gunzip compressed file.\n"
"Do you want to extract it now ?"
msgstr ""
"gzip-pel t??m??r??tett v??jld v??laszttott??l.\n"
"Kibontod ?"

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