[project-proposal] xfce4ring

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Tue Apr 25 17:33:05 CEST 2006

Stephan Arts wrote:
>>The reason i did not continue on the former thread about this issue is
>>not because i want the project to be started immediately. I just think
>>that it cannot hurt to debate about the issue. Most people, developers
>>and users alike agree on the notion the xfce-mcs-manager does not
>>suffice any longer.
>>But, no single person can come up with a complete requirements-list
>>because everyone wants something else, but no-body wants code-bloat.
>>But if you really feal we should not talk about this for the next two months...
> Hmm, i did not mean that as negative as it sounds... sorry for that.

We'll have one year (probably even more time) to talk about the settings
manager for 4.6. But let's keep the focus on 4.4 for the next two months.

> Stephan


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