Some issues with desktop icons

Mtc mtc at
Tue Apr 18 20:30:56 CEST 2006

>> thare a few issues with desktop icons which I find quite annoying:
>> - after removing some files from the desktop folder with Thunar they 
>> stay visible on the desktop
> That's not a problem with xfdesktop.  Either you did not compile
> thunar-vfs with FAM or gamin support, or you compiled with FAM support,
> but famd is not running.

Ok, you've got a point here:)

>> - when I try to delete files a dialog box asking for confirmation shows. 
>> In Thunar the default action activated by pressing enter is "delete", on 
>> the desktop it's "cancel"
> True.  I think it's safer that way.  Unless someone can give me a better
> argument for changing it than "I like it better with delete as the
> default", it's not changing.

The argument for me is consistency with Thunar behavior. It's ok with me 
if both have cancel as default as long as both behave the same way.

Best regards,

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