mcs-manager dialog too wide

Adriano Winter Bess awbess at
Sun Apr 2 16:09:27 CEST 2006

On Sun, Apr 02, 2006 at 02:58:27PM +0900, Daichi Kawahata wrote:
> Yes I've noticed that too, it's defined by the most longest
> strings among the translated strings, and in current Japanese
> translation, it's far from 1:(1+?$B"e5)/2 as well
> (xfce-mcs-manager.jpg).

Japanese still looks great in comparison with pt_BR:

> As you've tried, I think a manually line-breaking may work if
> that goes together with the centering, a GTK+ issue?

Yes, that was my first attempt to fix it, but according to Brian (and I agree
with him too) it's not the best thing to do.
> In my opinion, I don't prefer force-wrapping, because unlike
> Latin/Germanic languages, there's no `white space' punctuation
> in between words in some languages. Invalidly wrapped in a word
> must be worse in appearance.

The idea of "force wrapping" doesn't mean wrapping something that doesn't have
white space between words. AFAIK, GTK+ won't wrap labels without white space
between words at all. The problem is that if you set line wrap on a GtkLabel (as
xfce-mcs-manager indeed does):

	gtk_label_set_line_wrap (GTK_LABEL (label), TRUE);

than you must also set the maximum width, otherwise line wrapping never takes

	gtk_widget_set_size_request (label, MAX_WIDTH, -1);

> > You definitely should NOT be putting newlines in the translated
> > text (actually, I think gettext will barf on this since the number
> > of newlines in msgid and msgstr don't match). 
> AFAIK, that happens only at leading/trailing new-line,
>   `msgid' and `msgstr' entries do not both begin with '\n'
>   `msgid' and `msgstr' entries do not both end with '\n'
> therefore,
>   msgid ""
>   "This is a really long line to put into the button, we should wrap this string by all means"
>   msgstr ""
>   "This is a really long line\n"
>   "to put into the button,\n"
>   "we should wrap this string\n"
>   "by all means"
> is no problem at all, rather it's one of well-known workarounds.

One of the problems I've found with the above is that sometimes the same
translated string is used for both the label in the xfce-mcs-manager dialog and
the plugin main dialog title shown in the window manager (noticeably this
happens with the Window Manager Tweaks plugin). Then if I use a newline, it
appears in the window manager title, which is really weird. I guess it would
need context translation. Anyway, chaos arises ;)

Adriano Winter Bess

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