problem running new panel

Nicolas Masse masse_nicolas at
Tue Sep 20 18:09:32 CEST 2005

On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 16:44:53 +0200
Jasper Huijsmans <jasper at> wrote:

> Nicolas Masse schreef:
> >>>
> >>>I don't know if there is something interresting for you in all that. 
> >>>
> >>
> >>Well, just that I'm missing lots of messages about quitting. How do you 
> >>exit the panel?
> >>
> You are trying to stop the panel, aren't you? Or do you mean this 
> happens during normal operation?

It happens when I remove one instance of the panel wich contain a test plugin. Then the app show me an error dialog saying that the test plugin was unexpedicly removed, and when I close this dialog the app receive a segfault and leave. 

In other words,
Way to reproduce the bug:
1-Start the panel
2-go to the config dialog
3-add a panel, insert a test plugin (it also works if I can say with the mailwatch plugin), then remove this panel

error dialog then segfault

> 	Jasper


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