Is panel plugins integration broken at the moment?

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at
Sat Oct 29 18:27:14 CEST 2005

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>>>>>- some documentations say libexec was deprecated,
>>>>Please provide the URL of an authoritative source that states this.
>>>>Even then, this isn't really relevant.  If a distro packager (or user)
>>>>wants to, they can simply provide --libexecdir= to configure.
>>>i had expected that you were able to remember this thread and to
>>>investigate the links yourself, but here they are:
> I had remembered from last time, but the URL provided didn't say
> anything about libexec being deprecated.  At any rate, the first URL you
> just gave me doesn't mention libexec at all (which doesn't mean you
> can't have one, just that it's not specified in the FHS).
> The second URL you provide describes libexec in the exact manner that
> the panel is currently using it, and says nothing about it being deprecated.

I'm not sure, but IIRC the "don't use libexec, but lib or sbin" delusion
was started by the Debian guys for some weird reason, and its part of
the Debian Policy. Well, that's ok. Everybody is free to write
everything. We could also setup a document which tells people "don't use
bin, but install all your binaries to /tmp instead". I don't think
anybody would care about this policy, and in the same manner there's no
need to care about the Debian Policy.

If its really part of the FHS, then... well, who cares? If FHS tells me
to delete /libexec (and thereby /libexec/, I would need to
be really stupid to follow this avice.

xfce4-session already uses libexec to install it's helper applications
which don't belong to bin, sbin or lib and I don't see any need to
change that, because it's exactly what libexec is meant for.

> 	-brian


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