panel transparency weirdness

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Fri Oct 28 09:45:44 CEST 2005

Brian J. Tarricone schreef:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hey Jasper (again),
> While I'm thinking about the panel...
> I was getting a bit annoyed at how sometimes some portions of the panel
> get 'stuck' at weird transparencies, or don't get redrawn properly.
> Yeah, I know, composite is interacting with xembed strangely.
> But I played around with it, and I discovered a possible workaround,
> though it's not really that nice.  It seems like the screwed-up-ness
> only occurs (for me, anyway) if the panel changes size while it's
> partially transparent.  If it changes size while it's opaque, nothing
> bad happens.  I've mainly checked this by hovering the mouse over the
> panel while it changes size (like while it's initially loading and
> populating the panel with plugins), and it seems to be ok that way.
> Soooo...  a possible silly workaround would be to temporarily disable
> the transparency whenever the panel changes size.  Can you perhaps hook
> into the size-allocate signal or something for that?

Interesting thought. I'm a bit worried though about the amount of X 
traffic this will generate. The panel gets size-allocate events all the 


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