panel item remove confirmation

Wei-Tsun Sun knightw at
Tue Oct 18 06:01:10 CEST 2005

On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 15:40:21 +0200
Fabian Nowak <timystery at> wrote:

> i think the topic is discussed enough, the "remove plugin" dialog should
> come back like in the first days.

Mmmm, I guess people just don't want to do lamer-like things - picky and saying
why don't have this, why don't have that all the time. Thus people would just be
patient waiting new features coming out. For instance, the locations of these 
panel plugins can only be changed by editing panel.xml (as i saw from svn 1 days ago),
but I do believe someday that people can change this via the dialogs.



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