xfce4-taskmanager problems

Martti Kuparinen martti.kuparinen at iki.fi
Thu Nov 3 16:24:56 CET 2005


I was trying to run xfce4-taskmanager-0.3.1 on NetBSD/i386 3.99.10
with xfce4-4.2.2 and the results are horrible:

- I got a core dump (but not now when I'm running it inside gdb -- this
   is just typical -- so I can't say yet where it's crashing). I also see
   this several times:

   xfce4-taskmanager in free(): warning: junk pointer, too low to make sense.
   xfce4-taskmanager in free(): warning: junk pointer, too low to make sense.

- the display is corrupted like in the attached image

Most likely these two are related... Please note that the image display
situation where I selected all items from the Preferences.

I haven't looked at the code yet so any ideas?

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