User interface for the new file manager

Sami Samhuri sami at
Fri Mar 25 19:22:17 CET 2005

* On Fri Mar-25-2005 at 01:07:31 PM -0300, Alexandre Moreira said:
> I don't know if anyone likes this as I do but:
> For the two first interfaces, they'd fit in one if the location bar
> could display things as a hyper link text.
> I mean: you can type whatever directory you want in the location bar,
> if you'd like to go to one of the parent directories in the list, you
> could click it as it would be a hyperlink (everything between two
> slashes is a link...)
> Anyone likes this behavior ? 

This is not a bad idea, but I am skeptical of how useful it really is.

Hyperlinks are (generally) just not used in this fashion. At a first
glance I believe people will just think it's a strange looking location

Secondly, when clicking somewhere in the location bar how would you
determine if it's a click on the link or a click to position the cursor?
Sure you have your standard emacs-style navigation but I'm sure not
everyone uses those shortcuts.

I think with a path bar and the (now quite standard) C-l shortcut the
best of both worlds is available. Especially since you either have to:

a) Grab the mouse, click in the location bar (careful not to click on a
link!), type your new location.


b) As is done in MS's Explorer, press a shortcut key (F-something I
believe) to change focus to the location bar.

In the case of (b) you may as well use C-l and be done with it.

Sami Samhuri
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