XFC website now online

Biju Chacko botsie at xfce.org
Thu Mar 3 05:56:13 CET 2005

Jeff Franks wrote:
> Olivier Fourdan wrote:
>> Hey Jeff,
>> That's really great news.
>> Would be great if we could make some noise about it, what do you think?
>> I mean a bit of promotion never hurts...
> The main reason I wrote the XFC tutorial is the way it is, is so it 
> could be linked to from a news item and be small enough to hold the 
> readers attention. It would be good if any news article could include 
> this link:
> http://xfc.xfce.org/docs/tutorial/html/index.html


Why don't you write a small "press release" which could be put as a news 
item on the xfce main site.

We could use the same text to promote it on other news sites and forums.

-- b

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