Subversion, and moving mousepad in?

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Wed Mar 2 22:49:53 CET 2005

Benedikt Meurer wrote:

> Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>>> What's the status of the move to subversion? And has it been decided
>>> that we will in fact move third party apps, like Mousepad, into the
>>> main Xfce repository?
>> Yeah, I'm kinda curious as to when we're actually going to do it as 
>> well.  I think we should plan on doing a few test cvs2svn imports, 
>> with a goal of doing a final move sometime this weekend.  Or do we 
>> need more time?  We can import other modules (panel plugins, 
>> mousepad, xfmedia) at our leisure, but it would be nice to get the 
>> main repo set up with all of xfce in it.
> We'll import all modules as toplevel modules then, right?

I'm still in favor of having a toplevel xfce4/ module for the core 
components, if nothing else than to make it easier for people to just 
check out all the core stuff and nothing but the core stuff.  Unless I'm 
missing something and that either doesn't really make it easier, or is a 
pain to set up properly.  I don't really feel strongly about it, so I'll 
just go with what you think is best, since you have much more svn 
experience than I do.


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