[Xfce4-commits] r16004 - xfce4-panel/trunk/plugins/launcher

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Mon Jun 20 23:19:59 CEST 2005

Op ma, 20-06-2005 te 14:03 -0700, schreef Brian J. Tarricone:
[ lots of good stuff ]

Hehe, that was a bit long, wasn't it? (even for you ;-)

Basically, I liked it (when short enough, so not like in 4.2) mostly as
eye candy -- lame rationale: it usually takes a bit longer than regular
button actions so the feedback may be a bit longer or at least
different. But, it causes problems so I removed it. Maybe if I think of
a fix, I'll add it back. Shouldn't matter much either way.


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