Widgetizing Appfinder

Jean-François Wauthy pollux at xfce.org
Sat Jan 22 13:56:57 CET 2005

Le samedi 22 janvier 2005 à 12:23 +0100, Eduard Roccatello a écrit :
> Hello Folks!!! ;-)
> I'm porting Appfinder to a widget to make it more reusable than in the
> past. After this step we should move the widget to libxfce4util to make
> it useful for other modules.
> Some examples:
> - Panel may use appfinder widget to add new launchers
> - Menueditor may use appfinder to add launchers to the xfdesktop menu
> - Xfrun may use it for application harvesting
> - XfDesktop may use it for add launcher to the desktop.
> - As the code improves, Xffm could use it as "Open with.." feature
> Xfce4-Appfinder would be only a container with added features :o)
> What do you think about it?
sounds great

> Ciao ciao,
> Eduard Roccatello
> eduard (at) xfce (dot) org
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Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at xfce.org>
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