[RELEASE] 4.2.0 is tagged

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Tue Jan 11 16:27:40 CET 2005

Hello developers,

The xfce_4_2_0 tag is in place, source tarballs are done and Debian 
packages built fine. Everything seems to work fine now - after fixing an 
xfprint crash - /me eyes jf. I'll do some more testing before I upload 
the final tarballs for binary packagers (tag will be moved if I hit 
another critical bug!).

D-Day for the upload is 2005/01/13: Source tarballs will be uploaded 
then and the tag is frozen.

Jasper, you could update the online documentation now, using the 
xfce_4_2_0 tag (be aware that fr/it translations are no longer present).

Brian, please create a 4.2.0 product in Bugzilla.

Thats all for now ;-)


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