xfmedia compilation error

Foxy foxy at on-the-hill.me.uk
Wed Dec 7 12:44:20 CET 2005

Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> Foxy schreef:
>> Got it today:
> ...
>> Has something changed? Is it broken now?
> Yes, apparently... I heard Brian is working on some major internal 
> restructuring of the code.
> While I appreciate the trouble you are taking to report errors, it is 
> not uncommon for code in SVN to break. I think it might be better if you 
> would wait a little while before reporting, to see if a new update fixes 
> your issues. If code doesn't change for a while and it still breaks, 
> that is certainly a good time to report errors.
> Thanks,
> 	Jasper
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Thanks Jasper.

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