4.4 ETA?

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Mon Dec 5 21:11:16 CET 2005

Jani Monoses wrote:
>> It's not exactly how things are supposed to work though. We all agree 
>> that we have a target line, like for 4.4 the end of the year. We do all 
>> we can to meet this deadline.
> So was the plan feature freeze by the end of this year?

Yes, that's was the plan. That might slip a bit though.
>> Now it's up to every developer to decide what can be part of the release 
>> and what cannot, based on the time he has to implement it. For example, 
>> I won't start any big change now in xfwm4, I just focus on what's 
>> missing for the release (like the separate shortcuts manager).
> Can you elaborate on what this is, or point me to a link?

You mean on the shortcut? Hehehe, I can hardly find the time to code, so 
for documenting my own plans... :)

Seriously though, I always said that the keyboard launchers in xfwm4 had 
to go.

JF has coded the GTK+ GUI for a general purpose shortcut launcher, I'm 
working on the underlying X part of it so that it actually detects the 
key events. Once done, the key launcher will be removed from xfwm4 and 
only the WM related shortcuts will be kept in the WM.


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