deprecated stuff

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Tue Aug 30 22:28:56 CEST 2005

Hash: SHA1

On 8/30/2005 1:07 PM, Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>>>>Maybe you can explain what kind of shortcomings you are talking about?
>>Well, there's the lack of being able to look up icons with fallback
>>names (the panel finds this useful).
> This is beyond the scope of the icon spec, and personally I think this
> is the wrong way to address the issue for the panel. There was an
> attempt to get something like this into the icon spec on the xdg-list,
> but it somehow died (as usual). Maybe somebody should open that topic again.

Well, at the current point I'm interested more in solutions.  The
current category lookup appears to work well.  If Freedesktop wants to
standardise icon names for appliaction types/categories, that's fine,
but as you said, the last conversation died.  The 'somebody' that should
open it isn't going to be me.

> Speaking of GtkIconTheme 2.6 and above, it's no problem to do a few
> gtk_icon_theme_has_icon() calls to provide fallbacks (that's actually
> how the icon lookup in Thunar works, esp. for the MIME icon lookup). The
> performance is good and the code is easy to read, e.g. for the panel:
> const gchar*
> gimme_that_damn_icon_name (GtkIconTheme *icon_theme)
> {
>   static const gchar *myicons[] = { "icon-foo1", "icon-foo2" };
>   for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (myicons); ++i)
>     if (gtk_icon_theme_has_icon (icon_theme, myicons[i]))
>       return myicons[i];
>   return "fallback";
> }

Yeah, that will do, but obviously not for 2.4.  The desktop menu uses it
too to some extent, though I wanted it to use it more often.  Shouldn't
be needed for 4.4 if I get my ass moving on working on xfdesktop-ng's
menu system.

> That's what I was wondering about the shortcomings you are talking about.
> Ok, people with Gtk 2.4 may experience slower icon lookups, but then
> again, XfceIconTheme isn't faster, so there's no problem with using
> GtkIconTheme instead.


>>Then there's the fact that it
>>never seemed to find all icons properly, esp if they were in legacy
>>locations like /usr/share/pixmaps/.  There were probably a couple other
>>things (that may have been fixed since I last looked), but I can't think
>>of them offhand.
> Well, as long as /usr/share is in XDG_DATA_DIRS, this should work out of
> the box. But honestly, I haven't checked that for ages and I'm not sure
> if there are still apps around that (a) use GtkIconTheme and (b) install
> icons into the legacy location instead of installing into the hicolor
> icon theme. If so, these apps should really be fixed or the maintainers
> should be kicked (or both :-).

I'll admit I wrote XfceIconTheme sorta backwards.  I started with the
spec, and implemented what seemed reasonable, and then tried it with
XfceDesktopMenu.  The results were much crappier than I expected.  A
good number of icons were missing, and fiddling with XDG_DATA_DIRS
didn't seem to help.  So the game turned into "how many icons can I get
it to display without doing terribly icky things?"

Again, I'm looking for solutions - if someone wants to kick the
maintainers of apps using legacy maintainers, go ahead.  I'm in favor of
it.  In the meantime, I want our icon lookups to succeed.


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