Brainstorming for the manager project name!

Jannis Pohlmann info at
Tue Aug 16 20:40:24 CEST 2005

Jannis Pohlmann schrieb:
> Good morning,
> if nothing is opposed to the package manager project we discussed
> lately, I'd like to introduce the great brainstorming for a project name
> with a few suggestions.
> They mainly follow the current naming scheme which is, in general,
> storms (or wasn't Thunar kind of a storm?). They all have to do with the
> origin of hurricanes -- I thought this might fit very well, since the
> program is supposed to bring us "storms" in terms of Thunar, Orage and
> so on.
> These are my proposals (I don't have a personal favorite yet):
>   - Surge
>   - Ambiance
>   - Velocity
>   - Cyclone
>   - Updraft/Ascent
> Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

BTW, we're already in chapter one of my more or less lyric roadmap: - It isn't really a roadmap as it
doesn't reach far enough it and also is somewhat overhauled after the
latest discussions in the "goodies-management" topic. Anyway, perhaps it
may be help in having an oversight concerning the next steps.
But it's not that important.

I really hope everyone is fine with the current situation (me as
maintainer together with Johannes as core developer) and our plans. If
not, please respond!


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