Lightweight display manager

Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues lookkas at
Fri Apr 15 13:03:10 CEST 2005

Hi guys

I'm new to the list, and I was thinking about this for a long time. I
apoplogize in advance if this is not the right place where to post

I was wondering if it's not possible to write a small and fast display
manager for Xfce, with contemplates all the essential funcionality
that a DM should have (login, session, shut down, etc.). I'm not sure
if GDM does well in this respect, tough I use it on my toshiba portege
3010CT (pI 266 MMX, 64 Mb RAM). Maybe it can be done better.

Of course, I don't know if there's an actual developers interest in
writing such a thing (unfortunately I don't have the skills to do that
right now).

If this was previously discussed (I didn't find anything on the
archives), point this to me (nicely) and simply ignore this message.

Thank you for the attention

Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues
trabalho: LPDTA/FEQ/Unicamp
e-mail  : lookkas AT gmail DOT com
e-mail  : lucas AT feq DOT unicamp DOT br
jabber  : lookkas AT jabber DOT org
ICQ #   : 301 084 703
yahoo   : lmeneghelrodrigues AT yahoo DOT com DOT br
MSN    : joaozinhodomorro AT hotmail DOT com

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