Wierd slider behaviour...

Mart Tõnso mart.tonso at ttu.ee
Wed Sep 29 23:25:52 CEST 2004

I just noticed that not all the sliding bars in configuration dialogs
behave the same way, and most of them behave in a bit illogical way..
It's no great error, just a small amusing inconsistency.

Lets take desktop backdrop configuration, there is a slider for
adjusting brightness. (most of the sliders behave in that way:)

Click on the slider, left of the knob. Knob moves left.
Click on the right, Knob moves left again. 

I would assume that it would step right when clicked on the right side,
right :)

Now lets take keyboard settings dialog, the slider for cursor blinking
Click on the left: nothing..
Click on the right: nothing again..

Ahh.. and window manager settings -> focus... and the slide bar to tune
delay... Click wherever you want, the knob slides right.


Mart Tõnso

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