Resend: Possible XFwm4 Bug

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at
Thu Sep 9 22:57:16 CEST 2004


That's not a bug, it's on purpose (I think Thomas Leonard submitted a
patch for this IIRC)


On Thu, 2004-09-09 at 09:33, Erik Harrison wrote:
> I should warn everyone that I'm not running upto date CVS at the
> moment, but I'm not in a position to update.
> In XFwm4, if you want to move a window without chaging its z-order and
> without putting it in focus you can right click on the titlebar.
> However, if this is tried for a resize, though the z-order is not
> changed, but the window does gain focus.
> Thanks,
 - Olivier Fourdan - fourdan at - - 

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