xfmedia 0.1.0 released

James Golden a.k.a. Chibi chibifs at studiochibico.com
Tue Oct 26 22:48:20 CEST 2004

Meh. I don't understand why some people insist on sticking in the past 
when there is nothing wrong with the current. Just upgrade your GTK, ya 
nut. :P This is like XMMS sticking with GTK1.x, while others want gtk2.x 
support and starting the superior BMP. Upgrading a library -isn't- that 
hard, and I realise while XFCE is being developed not to rely on 
anything above 2.2, the person compiling the program they want to use 
has no reason /not/ to upgrade. I seriously don't understand this 
sticking behind thing. Open Source software is not developed on 
commercial environments that change their libraries just a little bit 
every 5 years, It's a constantly changing, endlessly improving place 
where there's something new and improved every day. If a change is bad, 
it's pointed out, and the developers can quickly go back..

  ..Guh. I could understand under the circumstance that GTK ports for 
other platforms are behind... But are they? I'm pretty certain even GTK 
for windows is at 2.4

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