XFCE marketing effort/project

Gianluca Turconi luctur at comeg.it
Mon Oct 18 18:26:44 CEST 2004

Olivier Fourdan wrote:
> Gianluca,
> Sounds interesting to me, we need more advertising...

OK, then on tomorrow in the morning (European mean time) I'll send a 
first mail  on the Xfce users list to see how may people are willing to 

> PS: It's spelled "Xfce", just the leading X is uppercase.

BTW, has the pretty mouse that is used as Xfce mascot a name?


Lo zoppo Androclide, spartano, avrebbe risposto a chi gli chiedeva di 
quale utilità potesse essere un soldato menomato: "Non fa per voi gente 
pronta a fuggire, ma che stia ferma per combattere contro gli 
avversari." (tratto da Plutarco, Moralia, 217 C)

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