Xfce 4.2 : desktop menu buglets

purslow at sympatico.ca purslow at sympatico.ca
Sat Oct 9 17:05:34 CEST 2004

i can submit these to bugzilla, if people prefer that.
i mentioned these earlier & have followed up suggestions w results below.

(1) there is a typo in  xfce-iconbox-settings.desktop :
    the last line should read 'GenericName[nl] ... ' ('[nl]' is missing).

(2) the auto-generated menu of apps is picking up  2  spurious items:

  gwenview -- submenu : Konqueror
                        Set as tiled wallpaper
						Set as wallpaper
  konqueror -- submenu : Browse with Gwenview
                         Rename with &krename
                         Rename with &KRename
these come from the dirs :  /usr/share/apps/gwenview/tools/
which each contain  3  corresponding  .desktop  files;
as shown by their dates, they were created by Gwenview & Krename,
which i installed via Portage on Gentoo.

generally, the auto-generated menu is an excellent idea,
but the present implementation does seem a bit crude & limited.
might i gently suggest it check  /usr/local/bin
&/or a predetermined list of common apps via 'which app' ?

HTH : this is intended as a small return for all the developers' labor.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : purslow at chass.utoronto.ca
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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