enhancement to panel plugin Clipboard Manager

Juha Kautto kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi
Fri Oct 8 08:26:23 CEST 2004

Hi !

I am a heavy user of Clipbord Manager panel plugin....

I added a feature to change the number of buffers stored in Clipbord 
Manager plugin. I noticed that this possiblity has been asked also by 
other people (for example 
http://forum.xfce.org/viewtopic.php?t=509&highlight=clipboard) so you 
might want to make this patch available to all by including it into the 
plugin provided you think the patch is ok ?

I am also planning to build another enahancement (make it possible to 
have session persistent permanent buffers) if you think it is acceptable ?

Don't really know how this kind of enhancements should be published, so 
I try sending it to this list. Let me know if there are better ways ? 
The attached file contains both the new patched c file and 'patch' ready 
diff file showing  the modifications. Again I am very open for your 
suggestion of how these should be packaged ?

best regards
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