Some xfsamba and xfce bugs.

edscott wilson garcia edscott at
Fri Oct 1 19:49:02 CEST 2004

El vie, 01-10-2004 a las 11:14, Xavier Otazu escribió:
> 	Hi!

> 	Related to xfsamba, I can browse directories in other machines using xfsamba or xffm. But when I try to copy files from remote machine to my machine, a dialog appears and it hangs.

Does the dialog say something like "copying files"? The copying files
dialog should have a progress meter but does not (should be in the TODO
list). And are you using CVS head? I don't know if anybody is supporting
xfsamba 4.0.x anymore. If you are using 4.1.90 and xfsamba does hang
(not just take a long time to transfer files), then please repeat with
gdb and give a ctrl-C when it hangs and send us a traceback. Thank you.



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