XFce 4.2 RC2 and final schedule

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Fri Nov 26 08:55:44 CET 2004

On 11/26/04 08:25, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> Benedikt Meurer wrote:
> ...
> >In addition, the appfinder still 
> >lacks documentation, whereas it should include atleast a short doc, 
> >describing its function and usage (DnD with menu editor, etc.), IMHO.
> >
> Yes, Eduard, it would be very nice try and come up with something. It 
> can be very small and if you're unfamiliar with docbook, just use plain 
> text and I'll convert it for you.

or just copy the doc/ directory from xfce4-panel or xfdesktop.  it should
give you a pretty good idea of how the markup works.  and plus, you
can just edit the makefiles that way...


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