Link color in documentation: still not happy

Jeff Franks jcf at
Fri Nov 19 01:18:58 CET 2004


I really do like the documentation colors we settled on. I've been 
updating my documentation to use a new CSS file. I decided to remove all 
the tables and use only CSS boxes, so that if the colors are changed in 
the future I'll only need to update the stylesheet, not every HTML file.

Unfortunately, I have spent a reasonable amount of time looking at the 
new link colors: #236EBE (link, active), #1A5593 (visited) and #3366FF 
(hover), and I see same problem. The link and visited colors are too 
similar to easily discern a difference. And often links in to sections 
in the same page never actually change color to visited.

I have given it some thought and I think the only solution I'm happy 
with is your earlier suggestion. Make the link and visited colors the 
same. I don't think this is unreasonable. Where not dealing with dynamic 
links on a web page. These are just documentation links. People use 
these links to move around the various parts of the documentation, and 
the occasional external link. They frequently need to refer to the same 
section of the documentation more than once and so wont be too concerned 
as to whether they have been there before or not.

I don't see why we can't break with convention for our documentation, 
many others do including I would like to use the two 
colors: #1A5593 (link, active, visited) and #3366FF (hover). I think 
this looks visually more appealing and easily identifiable.

What to you think? I promise, no more changes after this.


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