Xfce 4.2 RC 1 available

James Golden a.k.a. Chibi chibifs at studiochibico.com
Fri Nov 12 18:25:14 CET 2004

Benedikt Meurer wrote:

> James Golden a.k.a. Chibi wrote:
>>> Xfce 4.2 RC1 in available on both http://www.xfce.org and
>>> http://xfce.sf.net
>> Anything I can do? :P Packs for something perhaps? I know I'm not 
>> officially /on the team/ or anything, but I would like to help 
>> somehow :o
> Advertising! You can post articles about 4.2RC1 on various news sites 
> (not on /. tho). :-)
 I shall look into it, I already post XFCE news on my own site, maybe I 
can look around elsewhere. :D
 By the way, Ben.. Are you compiling your XFCE packages with the 
compositor enabled? On the Ubuntu side, we've been having weird problems 
with the root menu not fading away, and the only fix for this seems to 
be running xorg's xcompmgr. (Tagging xfwm4 to use it's own compositor 
fails to do anything.)

> Benedikt
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