panel position problem

Francois Le Clainche fleclainche at
Tue May 11 09:27:33 CEST 2004


I've noticed a problem with the position of the panel.
I'll use the following resolutions as an example.

If you start xfce with a 1280x1024 resolution and the panel at the
bottom of the screen, and switch for a higher one using the display
plugin, ie 1600x1200, the panel gets stuck in the middle of the screen,
at the bottom of a 1280x1024 "virtual" screen.

Furthermore, for a rm -r ~/.xfce4 new user, the panel starts at the
bottom of the screen, but is not exactly centered, afaics.

Francois Le Clainche - PGP key: - Xfce Desktop Environment

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