[patch] option to configure taskbar grouping behaviour

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at xfce.org
Thu Mar 25 08:16:19 CET 2004

Op wo 24-03-2004, om 23:43 schreef Aurelien Foret:
> Hi XFce folks,
> I've wrote a small patch to add an option to the setting-manager/taskbar
> plugin to choose the grouping behavior of the taskbar (auto or always).
> I hope you'll find it useful: IMHO, this is something really convenient
> (for instance, I'm using nedit a lot, and each opened file is displayed
> in the bar as a separate task...)

Committed to CVS. Thanks a lot, I've wanted to do that for a long time,
but never got around to it.


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